IB Math IA (Ultimate Guide For 2023) - Nail IB (2024)

Table of content

    Criterion A - Mathematical Presentation: (Levels- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
    Criterion B - Mathematical Communication: (Levels- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
    Criterion C - Personal Engagement: (Levels - 0, 1, 2, 3)
    Criterion D - Reflection: (Levels - 0, 1, 2, 3)
    Criterion E - Use Of Mathematics: (Levels - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
    Body Of Your Exploration

IB Math students will tell you how they’re always on the edge of their seats for some help, but IB Math IA takes that anxiety to an entirely different level. The reality is far from frightening; nonetheless, IB Math IA can be handled well with a unique IB Math IA topic in hand and lots of coffee!

But does that guarantee a dependable 7?

It takes more than just a perfect IB Math IA topic to ace.

How’s that, you’d ask.

From researching several IB Math IA examples to planning the mathematical working of your exploration, your IB Math IA structure will get you into trouble if you don’t give it the time it demands. With all the varied content available in bulk online, the process is bound to become anything but easy.

But worry not!

You are at the right place - The Ultimate Guide to IB Math IA!

This article covers IB Math IA rubrics, process key pointers, the structure of the investigation, and interesting IB Math IA topics that will stimulate your mind and help you begin your exploration!

You should also know about the updated course structure of IB Mathematics. Students are allowed to opt for any one of the following four courses in Math:

  • Analysis and Approaches (AA HL) - Higher Level
  • Analysis and Approaches(AA SL)- Standard Level
  • Applications and Interpretation(AI HL)- Higher Level
  • Applications and Interpretation(AI SL)- Standard Level

For more information about choosing your course, check out our latest article:

Also, here’s a great surprise for all students!

Patrick Jones, the creator of PatrickJMT Math Videos, acknowledged as the best Math teacher globally with over 1.2 million subscribers on YouTube, has gotten on board with our team at Nail IB! How great is that! He is already working on creating an entire Nail IB video course, and it will prove to be a wholesome guide for you as you tread on your IB Math journey! You should check out his excellent, world-renowned contenthere!

Before moving any further, we insist you check out our Free IB Resources forIB Mathematics SL and IB Mathematics HL.These are specially assembled for your benefit and will surely assist you on your IB Math journey!

For an absolute hold on IB Math, check out our premium notes designed and curated specially for you, be itIB Mathematics SLorIB Mathematics HL. These bundles are not just limited to messages but offer past year papers and How-to Guides for Extended Essays, Internal Assessments, and more; examples included! You’re in for a smooth ride with these by your side;)

You can also stream our webinar onHow to Write an IB Math Internal Assessment in under 30 minutesand hear directly from a recent IB graduate to understand the fundamental pointers and some fantastic hacks to lay the foundation of your IB Math IA. Getting the proper guidance ensures you a 7 in the subject you have feared for too long. Clickhereto watch it now!

First things first, let’s understand the criteria. Unless we acknowledge the requirements against which our exploration is scored, it’ll be equivalent to a shot in the dark. The conditions, irrespective of whether you opt for SL, HL (AA or AI), are as follows:

Criterion A - Mathematical Presentation: (Levels- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

Assessment is done on the conciseness, brevity, and clarity/coherence of your investigation. The proper structure must be given to your IA. As per IB guidelines,

a coherent exploration is,

  • Logically developed
  • Easy to follow and,
  • Meets the Aim.

Also, a well-organized exploration,

  • Includes Introduction
  • Describes the Aim of the investigation and
  • Has a Conclusion

Criterion B - Mathematical Communication: (Levels- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

Assessment is done on the appropriateness of the mathematical terminology, notation, and symbols used to progress the exploration. Marks and notes should be correctly used as are used in IB textbooks. For example, x2 should not be written as x^2.

If used, different mathematical representation tools such as tables, graphs, and diagrams must be relevant to the working and be commented on/explained well. Avoid inconsistent use of Mathematical terminology. Applying ICT Tools(for example-GeoGebra and Desmos) should be made wisely. For Calculations, Graphic Display Calculators can also be used, but that doesn't outdo math formulas' importance.

Criterion C - Personal Engagement: (Levels - 0, 1, 2, 3)

Assessment is done on the personal involvement shown. The sure shot way to ensure Engagement is, first and foremost, by going ahead with a topic that interests you (something unique or that affects real-life situations). Personal Engagement is seen throughout the exploration by:

  • Independent thinking and creativity showed by the student
  • Making the Math Idea your own
  • Investigating the idea from varied perspectives
  • Exploring different possibilities

Avoid portraying superficial interest. Opportunities for demonstration of personal Engagement should be noticed.

Criterion D - Reflection: (Levels - 0, 1, 2, 3)

Assessment is done on the evaluation and analysis of the investigation. Mentioning the significance of your exploration results, discussing possible limitations, and justifying why you chose the procedure you did can portray a fair reflection of the IA. Merely explaining your results will get you only a score of 1 out of 3. According to IB guidelines, a review should be meaningful and critical.

A meaningful reflection includes

  • Considering limitations in the work
  • Comparing different Mathematical Approaches
  • Linking to the Aim
  • Commenting on the Learning

A critical reflection entails,

  • ConsideringWhat Next
  • Discussing the implications of the results
  • Discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches
  • Considering different perspectives

Reflection is an analysis of the student's work, seen throughout the exploration, not just the Conclusion.

Criterion E - Use Of Mathematics: (Levels - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

Assessment is done on the implementation of Mathematics in the IA. It is essential to understand that the Math used should be on par with the course, nothing too simple and nothing you need help understanding. Also, the Mathematics used should be fully understood and engrained by you. Unfamiliar Mathematics, if used, should be explained well by giving personal examples. As per IB guidelines, students are expected to produce work that is,

  • Commensuratewith the level of the course(should either be part of the syllabus at a similar level or slightly beyond)
  • RelevantMathematics used means Math which supports the development of the exploration towards the completion of its Aim

To score higher levels in Criterion E, it is crucial to understand the meaning of the following terms:

  • PreciseMathematics is error-free and uses an appropriate level of accuracy at all times
  • Sophisticationmeans the Math should be commensurate with the HL syllabus
  • Rigourinvolves clarity of logic and language when making Mathematical arguments and calculations.

Hereis a fully annotated sample IB Math IA, going through which you can gain a lot of insight(Read the annotations properly).

Another example,the Breaking the Codeinvestigation(fully annotated)- is given here for IB Mathematics HL. The IA explores encryption and decryption in the context of Mathematics.

  • Going through the report, we see that the document needs more structure in the beginning since the Introduction does not mention the Rationale or Aim. You don't want to be committing such a blunder.
  • Moving further, we see that the body encompasses Math, which is well explained, thereby excelling on criterion E when graded on the SL scale. To excel in HL, the math should have been more rigorous than descriptive.
  • Toward the end, the report needs to include a Reflection on the results obtained, which doesn't fare well for the IA. Potential implications of the topic need to be included, and the Conclusion seems bland.

Another interesting annotated sample- for IB Mathematics SL-Regularisation of Irregular Verbs: When can I use the words swimming and know correctly?is given for referencehere. Understand which key points have been missed and which have been taken care of. The more you go through sample IAs, the better your chances of preparing an investigation that'll be scored well.

Like any other exploration, your IB Math IA expects you to give it a fair shot of effort and interest. If you see it as a burden, it will undoubtedly become one. Equally important is to draw an analogy between the topic of your choice and the math involved. Taking care of these points in general, let's understand all that goes into making one's IB Math IA (a brief outline):

  • Brainstorm for a Math IA topic you're curious about:
    • It can have a personal story attached; mention it in your Introduction. If not, explain how the topic underhand impacts real-world situations and motivates you to land on it. Your passion for the IA idea shows in your work, and you don't want to be doing your investigation just for the sake of it.
  • Proper research is expected on your end:
    • f you're curious aboutFibonacci numbers, the Golden ratio, and nature alike, try looking for relationships among them on the Internet. This will entail going through many research papers, publications, and journals and finally settling on mathematical findings and proofs that will help you investigate that particular something you wish to explore. For example, if you want to study howTraffic Jams have math running in the background, research it in detail since Traffic snarls are an imminent pain for us all. Only you will have to pick up parts you think are relevant and understandable to you.
  • Understand what Academic Honesty tells you:
    • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The cycle of Inquiry, Action, and Reflection in learning is vital. Learning the implication ofPlagiarism, Collusion, and Duplication of Workis essential to keep one's IA transparent and impressive.
  • Referencing:
    • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Besides citing references in the bibliography section, ensure you include it in the body as a footnote or in the exploration itself. Citing credible sources shows how transparent your work is and helps examiners cross-check for correctness. Acknowledging the author's work is essential to the IA-making process.

With this, let's discuss the Structure/Layout of the Investigation. There are numerous guidelines available all over the Internet. Regarding the IA length, though you should keep 6 -12 pages as the prescribed length, your focus should be on including all that pertains to your idea and ruling out everything that's not. So don't set out with a mindset to refrain from exceeding six pages; set out to include everything you know needs to be. Similarly, it is advised to make sure the Math used is suitable for SL and HL levels.

Without any further adieu, let's highlight what the layout of the IA should look like:


  • The Introduction of your exploration can be broken down into three essential parts -
    • Rationale
      • Sets the background of your exploration and gives an argument for your topic choice. Your Rationale tells why you chose so and so topic.
    • Aim of the idea/topic
      • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This is where you define your investigation's objective and tell what you wish to achieve with this idea.
    • Plan of Action (stating what area of the math curriculum your exploration focuses on)
      • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Let's say, for instance, you have opted for Math HL; for a simple mathematical investigation that scores six on the Math SL grade scale, you might end up with a mere four on the HL. The difficulty of your opted Math subject should reflect in your Internal Assessment. It would help if you also outlined the areas of mathematics you will cover in your investigation.

Body Of Your Exploration

  • Elaborate on the method you used for the exploration and justify why you chose to proceed with that particular method.
  • Use relevant mathematical tools like labelled graphs, charts, etc., for your mathematical work and explain them in the IA context.


  • State your results relating them to the Aim of your Internal Assessment. The significance and impact of these results should be highlighted, as well. In addition, briefly tell how the exploration was helpful to you and all you have gained from it. Possibilities of extension should be mentioned. The bibliography is for you to cite the sources used by you in the making of the IA. We suggest you use theCitation Machinefor additional guidance in the bibliography.

Now that we're comfortable with the IB Math IA structure let's look at some interesting IB Math IA topics that will get your creative juices flowing and help kickstart your Math IA journey today!

  • Simulating models to study and forecast weather patterns. (You could come up with a personal account that led you to land on something like this)
  • Exploring the different probabilities associated with a game of your choice; for example, Solitaire(if you're a game buff).
  • Investigating theMath associated with the Global Positioning System(GPS)and the intricacies of the technology involved.
  • ExploringFermat's little theoremorGoldbach's conjecture(one of the most significant unsolved problems in Mathematics).
  • Finding the volume and surface area of an egg, apple, mango or any other real-world object using Calculus's power (Simulation could be used). A good IA onmodellingmanages to score an easy 15-16 marks out of 20.
  • Investigating the structural designs of bridges that prevent collapse under loading.
  • Studying complex roots graphically.
  • Exploring how guitar frets are arranged in Pythagoras Ratios.
  • Comparing which will prove beneficial: lump-sum payment of a lottery prize or fee done in instalments?
  • Understanding how ISBN codes and Credit Card Codes can be cracked.

And that's a wrap!

Just like any other IA, IB Mathematics IA needs to be started early so that you don't end up compiling just anything at the last minute!

Give it the time it needs, and it will surely pay off. It might seem heavy, but once you decide to pursue an idea of your liking, there will be no turning back! Keep in mind the essential pointers and win the battle courageously!

Want some A-quality guidance? Look no further; at Nail IB, we have assembled premium content for you to ace your IBs, and you should check out our resources for a smooth IB experience. Clickherefor top-notch IB resources or to assess how your prep is going! Our exclusive Nail IB course, created by Patrick Jones, will be out soon too, so stay tuned, as there is no way you would want to miss the holy grail every Math IB student wants!!

This article will serve as a solid foundation for your Math IB Internal Assessment.

IB Resources you will love!

IB Math IA (Ultimate Guide For 2023) - Nail IB (2024)


How to get a 7 on math ia? ›

How to score a 7 in your maths ia.
  1. 1: Find a topic you genuinely enjoy. The typical, clichéd piece of advice; find a topic you actually enjoy. ...
  2. 2: Meet the criteria. ...
  3. 3: Structure your IA effectively. ...
  4. 4: Read over your IA, and have someone else proofread over it too. ...
  5. 5: Start ASAP!

Is ib math ai or aa harder? ›

If the students are interested in Psychology or social science or they want to pursue business in the future, the best choice for them is Maths (AI). If we go through the difficulty level of both courses, IB Maths ( AA) is more complex than IB Maths (AI). Maths (AA) deals with complicated mathematical concepts.

How hard is it to get a 7 in IB math SL? ›

Only 3.7% of Higher Level (HL) and 3.1% of Standard Level (SL) students achieved the top mark. In contrast, Mathematics Analysis and Approaches was considerably more manageable, with 21.4% of HL students and 6.3% of SL students scoring a 7.

How to get a 7 in IB Math AA? ›

Develop Strong IB Math AASL Study Habits
  1. Creating a study schedule or planner to keep track of assignments and deadlines.
  2. Taking notes during class and reviewing them regularly.
  3. Completing practice problems and exercises to reinforce understanding of concepts.
Mar 2, 2023

What percentage is a 7 in IB math? ›

IB Math Analysis and Approaches HL

Paper 3 requires only a 68% to get a 7, meaning it will be the most difficult paper out of the 3.

How hard is it to get all 7s in IB? ›

Conclusion: Since the IB curriculum is extensive and rigorous, achieving a 7 in IB Business is undoubtedly challenging. Also, the multifaceted nature of the course and the high standards set by the IB program make it overwhelming.

Is IB math harder than AP? ›

Is IB harder than AP? It depends. Some students argue that IB is more challenging because of the emphasis on critical thinking and the more application-focused evaluations. However, both IB and AP classes are considered college-level courses that many students find challenging.

Which IB math is easiest? ›

Among the IB math courses, Mathematics Studies SL is typically regarded as the easiest option for students who prefer a less rigorous approach to mathematics.

Is 5 out of 7 good in IB? ›

IB grades are typically equivalent to certain numerical scores for academic purposes: A grade of 7 is equivalent to an A+ or 97-100% A grade of 6 is equivalent to an A or 93-96% A grade of 5 is equivalent to a B or 85-92%

How many people get a 7 in IB? ›

In 2020 11.9% of candidates got a 7, that includes SL and HL exams. This varies by subject, in language acquisition the rate was 21% but in the arts is only 4%. These rates have been fairly flat. But you take 6 subjects in IB, and usually only 3 at A-level.

What happens if you fail IB math? ›

Candidates can retake a subject in any future examination session and at any IB World School offering the Diploma Programme or Career-related Programme. However, restrictions apply. Contact the IB programme coordinator at the school where you wish to register.

Is 70% a 6 in IB? ›

6 was awarded for 57-70 points in 2022 and 64-76 in 2023, and so on. Hence, we can't objectively compare 2023 IB results with recent years.

How do you ace IB maths? ›

How to score a 7 in Math Standard Level
  1. Try scoring full in internal assessment. Scoring full or more than 15 in internal assessment gives you an edge over others. ...
  2. Remember the formulas like the back of your hand. ...
  3. Get familiar with common questions. ...
  4. Solve past papers.

What is a 7 in IB equivalent to? ›

IBSO Table of Equivalent Grades
IB GradeOSSD LevelOSSD Percentage
3 more rows

How to score 7 in IB? ›

In Just 5 Steps: How to Get a 7 in IB English
  1. Develop a strong foundation. ...
  2. Learn how to analyse–properly. ...
  3. Your writing style is extremely important. ...
  4. Do Internal Assessments really well. ...
  5. PRAAACTICE for finals.

How to get a 7 in IB Physics IA? ›

  1. Step 1: Master the Majority. Understand Concepts. Prioritise These Key IB Physics Topics. ...
  2. Step 2: Accelerate the Application. Answer Exam Questions. IB Physics Past Paper Questions by Topic. ...
  3. Step 3: Propel Your Progress. Target Your Weak Areas. ...
  4. Step 4: Get the Grade. Get Further Help.

What is a good math IA grade? ›

A good score for a math IA paper is typically considered between 17-20 out of 20. However, it's important to note that the IB grading system is based on a holistic approach that considers various criteria, such as mathematical communication, exploration, and reflection.

How hard is math IA? ›

The maths IA, for many, is just as scary as the final exam. It's difficult to write an essay that not only has some level of personal engagement, but explores a topic at the adequate mathematical level. The following is a guide that will help you ace your Maths IA.


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