National Building Code Of India-2005 (2024)

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National Building Code of India - 2005

Part 7: Constructional Practices and Safety - An Overview

Bureau Built Expressions


National Building Code Of India-2005 (1)

Construction Practices

The Planning Commission of India, soon after the Third Plan, decided to include the entire gamut of constructional operations such as, administrative, organizational, financial and technical aspects, be studied in depth and accordingly, a Panel of Experts appointed in 1965 by the Planning Commission. Its recommendations were published under the title - 'Report on Economies in Construction Costs' in 1968.

The vital aspect of building construction, namely, controlling and regulating buildings through municipal byelaws and departmental handbooks received the attention of the Panel and a study of these regulatory practices revealed that some of the prevailing methods of construction were outmoded and outdated and some were overburdened with safety factors. There were other design criteria which, in the light of newer techniques and methodologies, could be rationalized and the latest developments in building designs and construction techniques are included. It also became clear that these codes and byelaws lacked uniformity and they were more often than not ‘specification oriented’ and not 'performance oriented'.

These studies also resulted in a recommendation that a National Building Code be prepared to unify the building regulations throughout the country for use by government departments, municipal bodies and other construction agencies. The then Indian Standards Institution (now Bureau of Indian Standards) was entrusted by the Planning Commission with the preparation of the National Building Code. For fulfilling this task a Guiding Committee for the preparation of the Code was setup by the Civil Engineering Division Council of the Indian Standards Institution in 1967. This Committee, in turn, set up 18 specialist panels to prepare the various parts of the Code. The Guiding Committee and its panels were constituted with architects, planners, materials experts, structural, construction, electrical illumination, air conditioning, acoustics and public health engineers and town planners. These experts were drawn from the Central and State Governments, local bodies, professional institutions and private agencies. The first version of the Code was published in 1970.

Since the publication in 1970 version of the National Building Code of India, a large number of comments and useful suggestions for modifications and additions to different parts and sections of the Code were received as a result of use of the Code by all concerned, and revision work of building byelaws of some States. Based on the comments and suggestion received the National Building Code of India 1970 was revised in 1983.

NBC India - 1983

The NBC-1983 was well received by the industry as there was a sheer necessity of such a authentic document across the country. Some of the important changes in 1983 version included : addition of development control rules, requirements for greenbelts and landscaping including norms for plantation of shrubs and trees, special requirements for low income housing; fire safety regulations for high rise buildings; revision of structural design section based on new and revised codes, such as Concrete Codes (plain and reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete), Earthquake Code, Masonry Code; addition of outside design conditions for important cities in the country, requirements relating to noise and vibration, air filter, automatic control, energy conservation for air conditioning; and guidance on the design of water supply system for multi-storied buildings.

The Next Revision

National Building Code Of India-2005 (2)

Since the publication of 1983 version of National Building Code of India, the construction industry has seen much major technological advancement in the last two decades and substantial expertise has been gained in the areas of building planning, designing and construction. Also, lot of developments have taken places in the techno-legal regime and techno - financial regime, apart from the enormous experience gained in dealing with natural calamities like super cyclones and earthquakes faced by the country. Further, since the last revision in 1983 based on the changes effected in the Steel Code, Masonry Code and Loading Code as also in order to update the fire protection requirements, three amendments were brought out to the 1983 version of the Code.

The comprehensive NBC 2005 contains 11 Parts some of which are further divided into Sections totalling 26 chapters.he salient features of the revised NBC are also discussed below. Apart from other changes made the changes especially in regard to further enhancing our response to meet the challenges posed by natural calamities and reflecting the state-of-the-art and contemporary applicable international practices.


National Building Code Of India-2005 (3)

Fire Safety Norms

Considering a series of further developments in the field of building construction including the lessons learnt in the aftermath of number of natural calamities. As a culmination of the Project, the revised NBC has now been brought out as National Building Code of India 2005 (NBC 2005) on 16th September 2005.

It is the third revision compiled under the aegis of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). It provides guidelines for regulating building construction activities across the country. The NBC 2005, formulated by the Bureau of Indian Standards, spells out new regulations for adoption by infrastructure departments, municipal administrators, public bodies and private agencies. It contains mainly administrative regulations, development control rules and general building requirements, fire safety requirements, stipulations on use of materials, structural design and construction and building and plumbing services.

It has the basic codes for construction materials, services, systems and processes. The NBC lays down the minimum provisions buildings need in order to ensure public safety with regard to structural sufficiency, fire hazard and health aspects. It contains administrative provisions, development control rules and general building requirements.

NBC 2005, in addition to the technical specifications for buildings, has for the first time, focussed on the techno-legal requirements, including the scope of participation of professionals in providing the built environment and also pinning responsibility on professionals for the structures that they create.

New in NBC-2005

The new code NBC-2005 allows architects and engineers to sanction building plans for smaller plots and less complicated structures. It makes it mandatory for architects and structural engineers to take responsibility for the safety of their structure in case of a natural disaster. It provides for a periodic renewal of certificate for occupied buildings from a structural, fire and electrical safety point of view.

The code has detailed town planning norms for amenities such as educational and medical facilities, fire services, etc. It has revised parking requirements for metro and mega cities. Provisions for buildings and facilities for the physically challenged have been revised.

Building Categories

The code categorizes the buildings as under;

  • Group A- Residential

  • Group B - Educational
  • Group C - Institutional
  • Group D - Assembly
  • Group E - Business
  • Group F - Mercantile
  • Group G - Industrial
  • Group H - Storage
  • Group J - Hazardous

Salient Features of NBC 2005

  • Inclusion of a complete philosophy and direction for successfully accomplishing the building projects through Integrated Multidisciplinary Approach right through conceptual stage to planning, designing, construction, operation and maintenance stages
  • A series of reforms in building permit process
  • Provisions to ensure and certification of safety of buildings against natural disaster by engineer and structural engineer
  • Provision for two stage permit for high rise and special buildings
  • Provision for periodic renewal certificate of occupied buildings from structural, fire and electrical safety point of view
  • Provision for empowering engineers and architects for sanctioning plans of residential buildings up to 500 m2
  • Inclusion of detailed town planning norms for various amenities such as educational facilities, medical facilities, distribution services, police, civil defense and home guards and fire services
  • Revision of parking requirements for metro and mega cities
  • Updation of special requirements for low income housing for urban areas
  • Inclusion of special requirements for low income housing rural habitat planning
  • Inclusion of guidelines for development planning for hilly areas
  • Revision of the provisions for buildings and facilities for physically challenged
  • Fire safety norms completely revamped through detailed provisions on Fire Prevention, Life Safety and Fire Protection
  • Inclusion of new categories of starred hotels, heritage structures and archaeological monuments for fire safety provisions
  • Substitution of halon based fire/extinguishers fire fighting system
  • Promotion to new/innovative building materials/technologies
  • Inclusion of latest provisions for earthquake resistant design and construction
  • Inclusion of details on multi-disaster prone districts
  • Inclusion of new chapter on design and construction using bamboo
  • Chapter on prefabricated and composite construction for speedier construction
  • Updation of provision of safety in construction
  • Complete revision of provision on building and plumbing services in line with applicable international practices
  • Provisions on rain water harvesting
  • Inclusion of new chapter to cover landscaping needs

NBC-2005 Contents

Part 0: Integrated Approach - Prerequisite for Applying Provision of the Code: This part covers guidelines to be followed for judicious implementation of the provisions of various parts/sections of the Code.

Part 1: Definitions - It lists the terms appearing in all the parts/sections of the National Building Code of India. However, some common definitions are reproduced in this part also.

Part 2: Administration - It covers the administrative aspects of the Code, such as applicability of the Code, organization of building department for enforcement of the Code, procedure for obtaining development and building permits, and responsibility of the owner and all professionals involved in the planning, design and construction of the building.

Part 3: Development Control Rules and General Building Requirements - It covers the development control rules and general building requirements for proper planning and design at the layout and building level to ensure health safety, public safety and desired quality of life. It provides provisions for covered area, plinth area, FAR, amenities, land use classification, height/ size of rooms, kitchens etc.

Part 4: Fire and Life Safety - It covers the requirements for fire prevention, life safety in relation to fire, and fire protection of buildings. The code specifies planning and construction features and fire protection features for all occupancies that are necessary to minimize danger to life and property.

Part 5: Building Material- It covers the requirements of building materials and components, and criteria for accepting new or alternative building materials and components. 29 Materials/ components which have been covered in this part are: Aluminum & other light materials & their alloys, Bitumen & Tar products, Builders hardware, Building chemicals, Building lime and products, Burnt clay products, Cement & concrete (i/c reinforcement), Composite matrix products, Conductors & cables, Doors / Windows & ventilators, Electrical wiring & accessories, Fillers, stoppers & putties, Floor coverings, roofing’s & other finishes, Glass, Gypsum based materials, Lignocellulosic building materials (timber bamboos etc.), Paints & allied products, Polymers, plastics, Sanitary appliances & water fittings, Soil based blocks, Steel & its alloys, Stones, Structural sections, Thermal insulation material, Threaded fasteners & rivets, Unit weight of building materials, Water proofing & damp proofing materials, Welding electrodes & wires, Wire ropes & wire products.

National Building Code Of India-2005 (4)

Building Materials

Part 6: Structural Design- This part through its seven sections provides for structural adequacy of buildings to deal with both internal and external environment, and provide guidance to engineers/ structural engineers for varied usage of material / technology types for building design.

Section 1: Loads, Forces and Effects - It covers basic design loads to be assumed in the design of buildings. The live loads, wind loads, seismic loads, snow loads and other loads, which are specified herein, are minimum working loads which should be taken into consideration for purposes of design.

Section 2: Soils and Foundations - It covers structural design (principles) of all building foundations such as raft, pile and other foundation systems to ensure safety and serviceability without exceeding the permissible stresses of the materials of foundations and the bearing capacity of the supporting soil.

Section 3A: Timber - It covers the use of structural timber in structures or elements of structures connected together by fasteners/ fastening techniques.

Section 3B: Bamboo - It covers the use of bamboo for constructional purposes in structures or elements of the structure, ensuring quality and effectiveness of design and construction using bamboo. It covers minimum strength data, dimensional and grading requirements, seasoning, preservative treatment, design and jointing techniques with bamboo which would facilitate scientific application and long-term performance of structures. It also covers guidelines so as to ensure proper procurement, storage, precautions and design limitations on bamboo.

National Building Code Of India-2005 (5)

Bamboo in Construction

Section 4: Masonry- It covers the structural design aspects of unreinforced load bearing and non-load bearing walls, constructed using various bricks, stones and blocks permitted in accordance with this section. This, however, also covers provisions for design of reinforced brick and reinforced brick concrete floors and roofs.

Section 5A: Plain and Reinforced Concrete - It covers the general structural use of plain and reinforced concrete.

Section 5B: Prestressed Concrete - It covers the general structural use of prestressed concrete. It covers both work carried out on site and the manufacture of precast prestressed concrete units.

Section 6: Steel- It covers the use of structural steel in general building construction including the use of hot rolled steel sections and steel tubes.

Section 7A: Prefabricated Concrete - Though desirable for large scale building activities, has yet to take a firm hold in the country. It includes a few recommendations on the need to avoid ‘progressive collapse’ of the structures.

Section 7B: Systems Building and mixed/ Composite Construction - It covers recommendations regarding modular planning, component sizes, joints, manufacture, storage, transport and erection of prefabricated elements for use in buildings and such related requirements for mixed/composite construction.

Part- 7: Constructional Practices and safety - It covers the constructional practices in buildings; storage, stacking and handling of materials and safety of personnel during construction operations for all elements of a building and demolition of buildings. The objective can be best achieved through proper coordination and working by the project management and construction management teams.

Part- 8: Building Services - This part through its five elaborate sections on utilities provides detailed guidance to concerned professionals/ utility engineers for meeting necessary functional requirements in buildings.

Section 1: Lighting and Ventilation- It covers requirements and methods for lighting and ventilation of buildings.

Section 2: Electrical and Allied Installations- It covers the essential requirements for electrical installations in buildings to ensure efficient use of electricity including safety from fire and shock. This section also includes general requirements relating to lightning protection of buildings.

Section 3: Air conditioning, heating and Mechanical Ventilation - This section covers the design, construction and installation of air conditioning and heating systems and equipment installed in buildings for the purpose of providing and maintaining conditions of air temperature, humidity, purity and distribution suitable for the use and occupancy of the space.

Section 4: Acoustics, Sound Insulation and Noise Control - It covers requirements and guidelines regarding planning against noise, acceptable noise levels and the requirements for sound insulation in buildings with different occupancies.

Section 5: Installation of Lifts and Escalators - It covers the essential requirements for the installation, operation, maintenance and also inspection of lifts (passenger lifts, goods lifts, hospital lifts, service liftsand dumb-waiter lifts) and escalators so as to ensure safe and satisfactory performance.

Part- 9: Plumbing Services - This part through its two sections gives detailed guidance to concerned professionals / plumbing engineers with regard to plumbing and other related requirements in buildings.

Section 1: Water Supply, Drainage and Sanitation (including Solid Waste Management) - It covers the basic requirements of water supply for residential, business and other types of buildings, including traffic terminal stations. This section also deals with general requirements of plumbing connected to public water supply and design of water supply systems. Provisions on Rain Water Harvesting have also been included.

Section 2: Gas Supply- It covers the requirements regarding the safety of persons and property for all piping uses and for all types of gases used for fuel or lighting purposes in buildings.

Part- 10: Landscaping, Signs and Outdoor Display Structures

Section 1: Landscape Planning and Design - It covers requirements of landscape planning and design with the view to promoting quality of outdoor built environment and protection of land and its resources.

Section 2: Signs and Outdoor Display Structures - It covers the requirements with regard to public safety, structural safety and fire safety of all signs (advertisem*nts) and outdoor display structures including the overall aesthetical aspects of imposition of signs and outdoor display structures in the outdoor built environment. Few more terminologies related to signage and explanatory figures have been added.

Pre Study

In the present arrangement of NBC 2005, following first four chapters are to be studied before studying any of the other chapters. Part 0 is newly introduced.

  • Part 0 - Integrated Approach- Prerequisite for Applying Provisions of the Code: This part covers guidelines to be followed for judicious implementation of the provisions of various parts/sections of the Code.
  • Part 1- Definition - It lists the terms appearing in all the parts/sections of the National Building Code of India. However, some common definitions are reproduced in this part also.
  • Part 2 - Administration - It covers the administrative aspects of the Code, such as applicability of the Code, organization of building department for enforcement of the Code, procedure for obtaining development and building permits, and responsibility of the owner and all professionals involved in the planning, design and construction of the building.
  • Part 3 - Development Control Rules And General Building Requirement - It covers the development control rules and general building requirements for proper planning and design at the layout and building level to ensure health safety, public safety and desired quality of life. It also provides provisions for covered area, plinth area, FAR, amenities, land use classification, height/ size of rooms, kitchens etc.

Part 7 Constructional Practices and Safety

This Part of the Code emphasizes the importance of carrying out all constructional operations in a safe and efficient manner. Workers in large number, both skilled and unskilled, are engaged in the innumerable construction works. Due to increased tempo of such a building activity and large scale mechanization, hazards of accidents could increase considerably. It is, therefore, imperative that adequate safety rules are laid down for every phase of construction work.

It has been divided into following 5 sections:

  • Section 1 Constructional Practices
  • Section 2 Storage, Stacking And Handling Practices
  • Section 3 Safety In Construction Of Elements Of A Building
  • Section 4 Maintenance Management, Repairs, Retrofitting And Strengthening Of Buildings
  • Section 5 Safety In Demolition Of Buildings

Significant changes

The significant changes incorporated include:

  • The Section 1 Constructional Practices have been revamped and now includes the Planning and Management aspects.
  • The provisions with regard to stacking and storage of building materials and components have been updated and comprehensively covered in line with IS 4082: 1996. This revision now also covers provisions for materials like stones, blocks, roof tiles, partially prefabricated wall and roof components, cinder, aluminum section, cast iron and aluminum sheets, plastic sheets, doors and windows, etc.
  • Provisions on constructional practices using bamboo have been included.
  • Provisions of safety requirements of hoists / lifts for worker during construction have been added.
  • Provisions with regard to safety at work site have been detailed incorporating aspects like preventive measures, such as, falling material hazards prevention, fall prevention, disposal of debris, fire protection, etc.
  • Provisions regarding safety management at work sites have been added.
  • A new section on 'Maintenance management, repairs, retrofitting and strengthening of buildings' has been added, covering aspects like maintenance management, prevention of cracks, and repairs and seismic strengthening of buildings.
  • Safety provisions with respect to demolition of buildings have been updated.
  • Reference to all the concerned Indian Standards has been updated.
  • Bamboo is a versatile renewable resource having low gestation period, characterized by high strength, low mass and ease of working with simple tools. Resilience coupled with lightness makes it suitable for housing in earthquake-prone and disaster-prone areas. It has the capacity to absorb more energy and shows larger deflections before collapse and as such is safer under earth tremors. In this revision of this Part, therefore, provisions on construction using bamboo have been incorporated. The structural design aspects are covered in Part 6 'Structural Design, Section 3 Timber and Bamboo, 3B Bamboo'.
  • A reference to SP 62:1992 'Handbook on building construction practices (excluding electrical works)' and SP 70:2001 'Handbook on construction safety practices' may also be made.

National Building Code Of India-2005 (6)

Section 1- Constructional Practices - This section touches upon variety of issues related to Planning, Management and Practices. We give below some important pointers.

Planning Aspects

National Building Code Of India-2005 (7)

A. Pre Construction Phase

  • Construction Objectives
  • Design Strategies
  • Construction Methods
  • Building Systems
  • Contractual obligations
  • Construction Materials
  • Space Considerations
  • Environmental Impacts
  • Adverse Weather Conditions
  • Finance Projections
  • Site Layout / Accessibility

B. Resource Planning

  • Raw Materials
  • Manufactured Materials
  • Construction Equipment
  • Data Collection
  • Manpower
  • Allocation of Resources
  • Programs and Schedules
  • Preference to local materials

C. Construction Planning

  • Site Administration
  • Site Organisation
  • Site Layout, Space allocation for all temporary activities
  • Controlled Entry / Exits
  • Access to Services such as Fire Engines, Ambulances etc
  • Construction Sequence in detail
  • Optimisation

Management Aspects

National Building Code Of India-2005 (8)

All data and information that is generated from the planning aspect is transferred to this Management aspect.

A. Time Management

  • Time is the Essence
  • Time Schedules
  • Mile Stones
  • Mile Stones linked to Payments
  • Delays Identified
  • Remedies Suggested

B. Quality Management

  • Quality as Stipulated
  • General Quality Considerations
  • Finishes
  • Field and lab tests

C. EHS Management

  • General Awareness Programs
  • Strict Implementation of norms
  • Accident Policies
  • Workmen Safety
  • Safe Working Environment
  • First Aid
  • Health Checks

D. Cost Management

  • Escalation Controls
  • Stage wise Cost Monitoring
  • Analytical Tools

Construction Aspects

  • Professional Services
  • Responsibility and Accountability
  • Use of Alternative Building Materials
  • Use of Alternative Construction Techniques
  • Bamboo in Construction

Section 2: Storage, Stacking and Handling Practices

National Building Code Of India-2005 (9)

The storage stacking and handling of materials generally used in construction shall be as given in this section mainly in three sub heads.

A. Planning and Storage Layout

  • Proper Site Layout
  • Proper Storage Methods
  • Dry Conditions
  • Handling and Transport
  • Protection against Fire

B. Handling and Transport

  • Loading into Trucks
  • Loading into Wagons
  • Etc

C. Storage and Stacking

Proper methods of storage and stacking for various building materials such as ; Cement- Lime -Tiles - Aggregates - Water-Blocks - Cinder - Flyash- Timber - Aluminium Sections-Doors and Windows - Roofing Materials - Boards - Paints - Bitumen - Flammable Materials - Sanitary Appliances - Pipes - etc.

Section 3: Safety in Construction of Elements of a Building

The safety of personnel engaged in building construction should be ensured through a well planned and well organized mechanism. For this, depending on the size and complexity of building construction project, safety committee shall be constituted to efficiently manage all safety related affairs. This Section also deals with several definitions and terminologies involved in the construction activity.

A. Temporary Constructions

  • Avoid Encroachments
  • Statutory approvals
  • Least or No disturbance to traffic and Pedestrians
  • Public Safety measures

B. Loading Limits

National Building Code Of India-2005 (10)

  • No loading beyond permissible limits
  • Proper Supports
  • Load Testing if in doubt
  • Reject if not suitable
  • Equipment Safety
  • Scaffold, Formwork and Shoring safety

C. Safety in Foundations

  • Supports and Shoring
  • Dewatering
  • Adjoining Structures
  • Excavation Sequence
  • Avoid Vibrations
  • Continuous monitoring

D. Excavation (Shallow Foundations)

  • Positioning of Equipment
  • Stacking of Excavated Material
  • Maintain Slopes- Excavated pits
  • Blasting generally to be avoided
  • Shoring Methods
  • Dewatering Mechanism

E. Deep Foundations

National Building Code Of India-2005 (11)

  • Competent personnel.
  • Minimum light intensity 100 lux
  • Age restriction for work force

C. Safety in Foundations

  • Supports and Shoring

  • Dewatering

  • Adjoining Structures

  • Excavation Sequence

  • Avoid Vibrations

  • Continuous monitoring

D. Excavation (Shallow Foundations)

  • Positioning of Equipment

  • Stacking of Excavated Material

  • Maintain Slopes- Excavated pits

  • Blasting generally to be avoided

  • Shoring Methods

  • Dewatering Mechanism

E. Deep Foundations

  • Competent personnel.

  • Minimum light intensity 100 lux

  • Age restriction for work force

F. Walls

  • Proper Supports / Scaffold
  • Supervision Guidelines
  • Accessibility for execution
  • Proper ladders , platforms

G. Pre-Stressed Concrete

  • Qualified personnel
  • Care during Stressing
  • Conduit Profiling
  • Proper Grouting
  • Proper end connections

H. Prefabricated Members (Erection)

  • Lifting Sequence
  • Lifting Hooks, Methods, Equipment
  • Temporary supports post erection
  • Structural connections

I. Structural Steel Works

  • General Safety Norms
  • Welders Safety
  • Easy accessibility of ancillary materials like bolts, washers nuts etc
  • Tool Boxes
  • Safety of main structure also to be kept in mind while erection. Not to damage the main structure.

J.Additional safety for High- rise buildings and Framed Structures

  • Safety of all equipment
  • Cranes, cables, winches etc
  • Transport Vehicles
  • Formwork and Scaffolding
  • Inspection while concreting
  • Safe working loads

K. Miscellaneous Items

  • Staircase Construction
  • Lift Walls
  • Bitumen / Tar works

L. Finishes

  • Safety in respect of paints and other inflammable materials
  • Immediate availability of Fire Extinguishers

M. General Requirements

  • Sanitation and Toilet facility to workers
  • Fore Protection

N. Dress Code

  • No loose dress
  • Fall prevention
  • Safety belts, catwalks, Platforms etc

Section 4- Maintenance Management, Repairs, Retrofitting And Strengthening Of Buildings.

Maintenance management of building is the art of preserving over a long period what has been constructed. Maintenance continues for comparatively very large period during the useful life of building. Inadequate or improper maintenance adversely affects the environment in which people work, thus affecting the overall output. Though the building may be designed to be very durable it needs maintenance to keep it in good condition.

  • Terminologies and Definitions
  • Building Maintenance, Preventive and Corrective
  • House Keeping
  • Replacements
  • Maintenance Schedules
  • Maintenance Manuals
  • Maintenance Guides
  • Feedback and Records
  • Inspection
  • Repairs including Prevention of Cracks
  • Seismic Strengthening of Buildings
  • Structural Repairs
  • Non Destructive Methods
  • Reconstruction Vs retrofitting

Section 5: Safety in Demolition of Buildings

National Building Code Of India-2005 (12)

A definite plan of procedure for the demolition work, depending upon the manner in which the loads of the various structural parts are supported, shall be prepared and approved by the engineer-in-charge and this shall be followed as closely as possible, in actual execution of the demolition work. Before the commencement of each stage of demolition, the foreman shall brief the workmen in detail regarding the safety aspects to be kept in view.

This Section lays down the safety requirements for carrying out demolition/dismantling work. Before beginning the actual work of demolition a careful study shall be made of the structure which is to be pulled down and also of all its surroundings. This shall, in particular, include study of the manner in which the various parts of the building to be demolished are supported and how far the stage by stage demolition will affect the safety of the adjoining structure.

A. Precautions Prior to Demolition

National Building Code Of India-2005 (13)

  • Display Boards
  • Barricades
  • Red Lights and other signals
  • Safety Precautions
  • Safe Distances

B. Precautions during Demolition

  • Removal of fragile / loose materials
  • Dust Prevention
  • Stacking of Materials
  • Removal of Debris

C. Demolition Sequence

  • Least Disturbance to one and all.
  • Safety to one and all.
  • Sequence of demolition documented
  • Sequence discussed with concerned
  • Permission from local authorities
  • Adequate Support Systems

D. Disposal

  • Through Chutes
  • Through Floor Openings
  • Any other methods
  • Recycling Yards
  • Proper record of disposed materials

Annexure to Section 7

  • Annexure A: Programme Evaluation and Review Technique, and Critical Path Method.
  • Annexure B: Check list for stacking and storage of materials.
  • Annexure C: Common causes for maintenance problems.
  • Annexure D: Inspection Format Report.
  • Annexure E: Guidelines for maintenance of electrical equipments. AND
  • List of relevant IS Codes.


National Building Code Of India-2005 (14)

Since the publication of NBC-2005, the construction industry has travelled quite a distance in the last 8 years and many more parts are waiting to be added. One of the most crucial aspects of Sustainability is not included in the present edition. However, Bureau of Indian Standards has already circulated the draft for comments to all the experts. Part 11, which is proposed, is titled as "Approach to Sustainability"

This Part 11 'Approach to Sustainability' provides a comprehensive set of requirements, intended to reduce the negative impact of buildings on the natural environment. It can be readily used by the owners, developers/builders, architects, engineers, building services engineers and other building professionals as well as by manufacturers of building materials apart from the Authorities concerning land and building development, government and private construction agencies and academic and research institutions. The intent of this Part is to highlight sustainability measures including those referred to in different Parts/Sections of the Code as may be required as well as to define comprehensive sustainability standards for the building construction and related built environment.

As Vinay Kumar Gupta observes, following two main points have also to be addressed in length. Firstly, in this age of terrorism security is given more importance than safety. Code is silent on this. In the name of security we are playing with safety esp. in most important buildings which are prone to terrorism. Secondly, code is silent about ground water management. During construction of basem*nts of buildings dewatering continues, sometimes for years together.


  1. National Building Code of India - 2005
  2. National Building Code of India - 1983
  3. Talk by Sri. Vinay Kumar Gupta.

National Building Code Of India-2005 (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.