Persia, the Magic Fairy - TV Tropes (2025)

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Voiced by: Mina Tominaga (Japanese) Dubbed in other languages by

The main character, an African-raised Japanese girl who becomes a Magical Girl when she encounters the Fairy Queen.

Persia, the Magic Fairy - TV Tropes (1)

Click here to see her when she was in Africa

Click here to see her magical girl form

  • '80s Hair: Her hair is a wild and raggedy, and resembles a male lion's mane.
  • Adaptational Backstory Change: In the manga, she never knew her parents and was raised by lions until Dr. Yasogami found her. In the anime, they know she's in Africa and agree to Dr. Goken raising her. She also wasn't a magical girl.
  • All-Loving Hero: She's fascinated by Japanese culture and seeks to protect her new friends from the forces of evil, as well as growing up with wild animals which she considers her second family.
  • Anime Hair: Persia's blue hair sticks up, is spiky, and looks like a scruffy rag compared to the rest of the characters.
  • Bubble Blowing of Whimsy: In the OVA, Persia is seen blowing bubbles on a rooftop over the rest of the houses, to emphasize her eccentric personality and how she's a Fish out of Water to the more reserved Japanese culture.
  • By the Power of Grayskull!: To transform into a fairy, Persia yells "Perukko Raburin Kurukuru Rinkuru!" and holds up her wand.
  • Culture Equals Costume: Whatever "culture" of Africa Persia grew up in involves her dressing like a caveman. She drops it once she moves to Japan and starts dressing in more "Western"-esque clothing, such as a bright Sailor Fuku.
  • Dub Name Change:
    • In the French dub, Persia's name was changed to Vanessa.
    • In the Italian dub, Persia's name was changed to Evelyn.
  • First Girl Wins: Sorry, Yoyoko, but by the end of the anime, Persia realizes that between Riki and Gaku, she likes Gaku, and they become a couple. Sucks to be you!
  • Genki Girl: One of the reasons she clashes with Japanese society is because in Africa, she was brought up to be as loud and wild as she pleased, and is a raw mass of energy.
  • Hair Color Dissonance: Some versions of the Italian editionPersia, the Magic Fairy - TV Tropes (2) darken her magical girl version's hair into purple.
  • Long Hair Is Feminine: Her Older Alter Ego fairy form has long, hot-pink hair.
  • Magical Girl: She becomes a Magical Girl with long pink hair and energy beam attacks by using her Magic Wand and Transformation Trinket.
  • Non-Human Sidekick: From the fairy world, there are the three kappa (who resemble frogs). In the human world, there's Persia's pet lion, Simba, who she brought from Africa and turned into a Talking Animal with her own magic.
  • Non-Indicative Name: Despite her name, she has no connection to the ancient kingdom of Persia (or it's modern equivalents of Iran and Afghanistan), and she's ethnically Japanese.
  • Older Alter Ego: Persia is an 11 year old girl, but her alter ego is much taller and mature-looking, and is presumably a 16 year old.
  • Otherworldly Technicolour Hair: Persia's "fairy" form has hot-pink long hair. An odd case of this trope because when she was human, her hair was blue.
  • Pink Is Feminine: In Japan, Persia wears a pink sailor senshi outfit with white highlights.
  • Power Dyes Your Hair: Thanks to her magical headband, she becomes a fairy with pink hair that also becomes longer and straighter.
  • Precocious Crush: 11-year-old Persia has a crush on both of the Muroi twins, who are 14. In the manga, all three of them were high schoolers, averting this.
  • Raised by Wolves: Persia grew up in the Serengeti plains of Africa alongside many of the wild animals, and as a result she's more inclined to beasts than humans.
  • Spirited Young Lady: Because she was reared in the wild plains of Africa, Persia has a confident do-anything attitude and doesn't care about societal norms, making her an outlier amongst her classmates.
  • Transformation Trinket: Persia's baton, which doubles as a Magic Wand and is the first step of transforming her into her Older Alter Ego.
  • Twin Threesome Fantasy: The G-rated version — Persia has a dream about marrying both of the Muroi twins.
  • Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World: Persia follows this formula to the T, but being the Wild Child she is, being in school and battle actually isn't that different for her.
  • Wild Child: She lived like an animal while in Africa, with her tendency to play in the grass and lack of clothing. She's surprised when she moves to Japan and finds out this isn't socially acceptable.
  • Verbal Tic: Persia tends to add "-desuno", "-ya-no" or "-no" to the end of her sentences.

Dr. Goken Muroi

Voiced by: Yuzuru Fujimoto

A skilled scientist called "the grandfather of science and technology", who raised Persia when she was in Africa.

  • Adaptational Name Change: In the manga, Persia was raised by a zoologist named Dr. Yasogami. In the anime, he was a scientist named Dr. Goken Muroi.
  • Cool Old Guy: He's a skilled scientist and has an affinity for motocross racing, showing that he's one of the kids.
  • Friend to All Living Things: He loves all animals, and they're partially why he moved to Africa. He also encourages Persia to interact with them and learn their ways.
  • Good Parents: He has his quirks, but genuinely loves Persia, Gaku and Riki. He dotes on them to no end and is worried when he thinks they're in danger.
  • Parental Substitute: To Persia when she moved to Africa as a child, though he was a rather hands-off dad and she grew up into being a Wild Child.

Gaku and Riki Muroi

Voiced by (Gaku): Keiichi Nanba (Japanese) Dubbed in other languages by

Voiced by (Riki): Yu Mizishima (Japanese)

A pair of twin brothers who are Dr. Goken's grandsons.

Persia, the Magic Fairy - TV Tropes (3)

Riki (left), Gaku (right)

  • Adaptational Name Change: In the manga, Dr. Yasogami had two sons named Akira and Fudo (Akira Fudo?). In the anime this was changed to the grandsons Riki and Gaku.
  • Always Identical Twins: Everything about their appearances, from their hair to their faces to their eyes, is identical (though their hair colours vary in some scenes).
  • Childhood Friend Romance: Persia was friends with both of them since she was young, but they're oblivious to her feelings. Part of this is because she's 11 when they're 14, so there's an age gap.
  • Chick Magnet: Gaku attracts a lot of his female classmates inclusing Persia and Yuyuko.
  • Dub Name Change: They were called Ricky and Robbie in the Italian dub.
  • Identical Twin ID Tag: Riki is the one with brown hair, while Gaku is the one with black hair. Be warned, though, in some scenes it's really hard to notice....
  • Loves My Alter Ego: They're instantly gobsmacked by Persia's Hotter and Sexier Older Alter Ego and fall for her.
  • Oblivious to Love: Neither of them realize that their childhood friend Persia likes them. She eventually confesses to Gaku, and he accepts her.
  • Opposites Attract: The sensitive blue oni Gaku is eventually the one Persia realizes her feelings for, and they become an Official Couple.
  • Polar Opposite Twins: Gaku is sensitive and intellectual, while Riki is stubborn and athletic. Despite the fact that Riki is like Persia personality wise, she actually realizes she likes Gaku.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Gaku is the calm, intuitive blue oni, whereas Riki is brazen and runs his mouth, making him the red oni.
  • Shipper on Deck: Riki supports Gaku/Persia, initially viewing Persia as a bratty little sister, until he realizes her and Gaku have a genuine love for each other.
  • Those Two Guys: Are always seen together, unless they're at their school clubs - Gaku is part of the tennis team and Riki plays American football.

Sayo Minomo

Voiced by: Yuriko Fuchizaki (Japanese) Dubbed in other languages by

Persia's best friend.

Persia, the Magic Fairy - TV Tropes (4)

  • Feminine Women Can Cook: Her hobbies are knitting sweaters and cooking.
  • Like Brother and Sister: She states that Persia is like a sister to her.
  • Textile Work Is Feminine: One episode has her create a sweater out of her own handiwork for her beloved Riki.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: She is very girly and finds Persia's drive for fun and violence off-putting.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: While Persia is a wild, adventurous tomboy, Sayo is more reserved, feminine and the face of the school's student council cultural club.

Yoyoko Manabe

Voiced by: Sakurako Kiyo (Japanese) Dubbed in other languages by

A student of Persia's school who views her as a rival.

  • Always Second Best: Both Yoyoko and Persia are good at sports, but Persia has been a Wild Child ever since she was young and is naturally better than Yuyuko. This causes her to feel insecure and hate Persia.
  • Arch-Enemy: Yoyoko considers Persia one, because she bested her at sports, and also has a crush on Gaku, the boy she likes.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: She already hated Persia, but the fact that she was Childhood Friends with Gaku makes her hate her even more. And by the end of the anime, Persia/Gaku is canon....
  • The Rival: Before Persia showed up, Yuyuko was the best at running and sports. Now that she's no longer the best, she hates Persia and considers her an Arch-Enemy. It's to the point both girls get into a screaming match on Sports Day.
  • Yandere: She's so obsessed with Gaku that she named her stuffed toy "Gaku-san", and despises Persia for being close to him.

Kishin Shinokawa

Voiced by: Yuriko Fuchizaki (Japanese)

A classmate of Persia's.

  • Companion Cube: Kishin always carries around a camera with her, and takes pictures of Persia's Magical Girl antics.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: Her name and appearance is very similar to the Japanese photographer Kishin Shinoyama .

Kenji Sawaki

Voiced by: Kazuhiko Inoue (Japanese)

A famous pianist.

  • Artists Are Attractive: He is a pianist who captured the Fairy Queen's heart by writing a piece for her, as per her request.
  • Loves My Alter Ego: Kenji falls for Persia's older self, not knowing she's actually an 11 year old girl.
  • Loving a Shadow: It turns out that Kenji loves Persia's alter ego because she resembles his former love.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: He fell for the mysterious Fairy Queen, but she ghosted him afterwards. He has eyes for Persia's Older Alter Ego because she resembles her.

Princess Fairy

Voiced by: Maiko Okamoto; Yuriko Yamamoto in episode 47 (Japanese) Dubbed in other languages by

The Queen of the Fairies.

  • Cool and Unusual Punishment: If Persia doesn't help her, she'll turn Gaku and Riki into girls, and because that's not enough, she'll also make them Human Popsicles.
  • Good Is Not Nice: Undoubtedly one of the good guys, but she threatens to inflict the above Cool and Unusual Punishment on Gaku and Riki, who are innocent in the whole matter.
  • Interspecies Romance: She fell for Kenji, a human, but lamented that they couldn't be because she was a fairy and had a duty to her world.
  • Intimate Artistry: She met Kenji after she asked him to compose a song for her, falling for him afterwards.
  • No Name Given: To Persia and the audience, she is just "Queen Fairy/Princess Fairy".
  • Single-Target Sexuality: She never fall in love again after falling for Kenji.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: With Kenji. She wanted to be with him, but had to put her royal duties first, while Kenji never got over her and fell for Persia's Older Alter Ego because she looked like the Princess.
Persia, the Magic Fairy - TV Tropes (2025)


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