0 00 00 0 00 00 Miss Mary Norris Marries Dr. Nixon Miss Mary Carolyn Norris came the bride of Dr. Joseph Jefferson Nixon Ill Saturday morning in a ceremony held at Holy Ghost Catholic Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Milton D. Norris, 2510 Montclair Avenue, and Dr. Nixon of 7109 Sherwood Drive is the son of Mr. and. Mrs.
Joseph Jefferson Nixon Jr. of Augusta, Ga. Rev. Albert J. Henkel, pastor of the church, performed the ceremony before an altar decorated with greenery and candelabra holding burning white candles.
A program of wedding music was presented by Mr. Glenn Privette, organist. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a ballerina wedding dress of white peau de sole fashioned with a notched scoop neckline, length sleeves and bell shaped BETTER CONSTRUCTION Same Price! Truscon Series 158 doublebung and single-bung windows, while they cost no more than most others, are built to a plus-quality standard. Let us show you these windows the Aluminum Window Manufacturers Association rates DHA2, which is far superior to normal residential requirements. They are also FHA and VA approved.
TRUSCON ALUMINUM TAUS WINDOWS "Quality. is. Economy" WILSON-WEESNERWILKINSON CO. 202 W. Phene Morelia 5-0404 Ave.
skirt. Alencon lace motifs finished the fitted bodice. Her veil of English illusion fell from coronet of pearls, and she carried a cascade of white roses and gardenias. Miss Ruth Reed Welsh of Chattanooga, Nancy was maid Lee of Norris, honor and the bride's sister, was bridesmaid. Miss Welsh wore ballerina dress of turquoise taffeta designed with a scooped neckline, threequarter length sleeves, and bell shaped skirt.
Her headpiece was a flat bow of matching taffeta with a short circular veil. Miss Norris wore a ensemble identical to the maid of honor's in a deeper shade of taffeta, and both attendants carried cascades of fall flowers. Mr. Robert Wilson served as best man, and ushers were the bride's brother, Mr. John Milton Norris, and Dr.
Larry Dorsey. Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Norris entertained at their home for members of the families and wedding party. Those who assisted were Miss Patricia, Harris, Miss Sharon Mallonee, Mrs.
Helen Ashton and Mrs. Reed Malone. After a short wedding trip the couple will be at home at 609 Southbrook Drive. Out-of-town guests here for the ceremony were the bridegroom's parents. The bride is a graduate of Knoxville Catholic High School and St.
Mary's Memorial Hospital School of Nursing. She was elected "Miss Student Nurse of Knoxville, A graduate of Richmond Academy, Augusta, Dr. Nixon attended Mercer University and received his degree from Medical College of Georgia. The bridegroom has also completed his tour of duty in the United States Medical Corps. He is now resident physician in Orthopedic Surgery at Children's Hospital.
Miss Bumgardner, Mr. Owens Wed Miss Iris Jean Bumgardner became the bride of Mr. Bobby Joe Owen in ceremony in Calvary Baptist Church in Canton, N. Saturday afternoon. Rev.
Ben Lee Ray of Spruce Pine, N. a former pastor, and the pastor, Rev. Thornas Erwin, performed the double- ring ceremony. Miss Barbara Denton was maid of honor and the bride's only attendant. Mr.
Bill Owen served as his brother's best man and Mr. C. S. Owen, brother, and Mr. Bobby Sellars were ushers.
Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery Stops Itch -Relieves Pain For the first time science has New York, N. Y. (Special) found a new healing substance with the astonishing ability to shrink hemorrhoids, stop itching, and relieve pain without surgery. In one hemorrhoid case after another, "very striking improvement" was reported and verified by doctors' observations. Pain was relieved promptly.
And, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction or retraction (shrinking) took place. And most amazing of all this improvement was maintained in cases where doctors' observations were continued over a period of many months! In fact, results were so thorough that sufferers were able to make such astonishing statements as "Piles have ceased to be DR. AND MRS. JOSEPH JEFFERSON NIXON Ill MR. AND MRS.
HARRY ALEXANDER WILSON To Mr. Harry A. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander Wilson, who were married Saturday afternoon at Macedonia Methodist Church, will make their home in the Chilhowee Apartments on Chilhowee Drive.
The bride is the former Miss Mary Helen Bounds, Chilhowee Apartments, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. E. Boyd Bounds of Knoxville. Mr.
Wilson is the son of Mrs. Mary D. Wilson of Rogersville and the late Mr. Harry A. Wilson.
Rev. John R. Steiner of First Methodist Church of Sweetwater, cousin of the bride, officiated and PLAN TO ATTEND CHARLIE CULLEN'S Sales and Communication -Clinic Mr. Cullen will tell you how to stay on top of the Business world in the Sensational Sixties This Clinic Will Help You: INCREASE YOUR INCOME SELL YOUR IDEAS MR. CULLEN.
WORRY EFFECTIVELY HANDLE COMPLAINTS From New York's famous CARNEGIE HALL to Las Vegas' fabulous FLAMINGO HOTEL, enthusiastic crowds. PUT ZEST IN YOUR LIVING have acclaimed Charles Cullen's INCREASE MATURE THINKING unique approach to successful UTILIZE SHOWMANSHIP The Charles Cullen firm of Sales USE MIND CONTROL velopment Consultants serves such firms as General Electric, Mutual of Omaha, The Hoover Quaker State Oil Sealtest, Ohio Bell Tuesday, Sept. 27-8 p.m. Mr. Telephone Cullen has Co, and traveled others.
more than a million miles training one hundred Alumni Memorial Auditorium and fifty thousand peoplel University of Tennessee Sponsored by THE KNOXVILLE SALES EXECUTIVES CLUB Enrollment fees are now being handled by all memENROLLMENT FEE: 2.00 bers of the Knoxville Sales Executives Club and will also be available at the box office Tuesday night. Goren On Bridge 1960: By The Chicago Tribune) ANSWERS TO BRIDGE QUIZ Q. 1--As South you hold: AJ8 7 WAQ10974 A The bidding has proceeded: South West North East Pass Pass Pass 3 NT Pass What do you bid now? -Six hearts. North has shown good hand, first by responding at the level of two, then by showing the spade control and subsequently by supporting hearts. He should, therefore, have the necessary Ingredients 10 produce 12 tricks.
0.2- 2-As South you hold: 41072 WAJ10975 K72 43 The bidding has proceeded: East South West North3. Pass Pass Pass What do you bid now? has shown a strong hand, one on which he can win at least eight or nine tricks himself. You should, therefore, be conscious of slam, and It is suggested that you bid at least five spades. That Is a vague sort of bid, of course. At this level it Is hard to be precise, but you must get across to partner the notion that you have some cards which will be highly useful to him.
Q-3-As South you hold: MAJ85 AK96 AK764 The bidding has proceeded: South West North East 14 19 Pass 2 What do you bid now? hearts. While we did not choose to open this hand with two demand bid, prospects are better now than they were at the start, simply because hearts, a suit which would have done us no good, are marked with both opponents. This makes the likelihood very great that we will find a fit with one of our suits In partner's hand. Under the circ*mstances, we consider the three heart bid slightly superior to a take out double. Q.
4-As South you hold: 49 WAQ10 086 A75 4AQ43 The bidding has proceeded: South West North East Pass 14 Pass Pass 2NT Pass What do you bid now? hearts. While you have the values to proceed to three no trump, your preference should be for 0 heart contract if that is agreeable with partner. The bid of three harts at this point, after both partners have shown good hands, is forcing. North must either raise to four hearts or return to three no trump. Q.
5-As South you hold: 4AQ6 VKQ9 AJ 8 52 The bidding has proceeded: West North East South Pass Pass 14 Double 1NT Pass Pass What do you bid now? again. Even though partner was unable to make a free bid, you should not abandon this hand, which contains 16 points In high cards. A bid of two diamonds is not recommended; the double could result in a late leave-in by partner, which might prove profitable. -0- Q. 6-As South, both sides vulnerable, you hold: MA 742 WAK864 432 The bidding has proceeded: West North East South 1 Pass 24 What do you bid? There Is no action that you can take with safety.
Against an opening bidder and an adversary who has been able to respond at the level of two, It is extremely risky to reach for an eight trick contract with a hand that may tricks. well If the produce no more than four bidding dies prematurely THE KNOXVILLE JOURNAL Monday, September 26, 1960 Engagement Told Miss Phyllis Ann Houston, daughter of Mrs. Mattie R. Houston of Clyde, N. is engaged to Mr.
Johnny B. Coleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Coleman of Canton, N.
C. Wedding plans are incomplete. TOOTH squeeze from ACHE tube. Pain When you goes in secdesperate with onds. Used by pain, you can thousands.
rely on ORA-JEL for fast, effective relief. Just LOANS it will be time enough for you to con- Q. 7-As South you hold: 4864 WAQJ1075 The bidding has West North 14 2 Pass What action do you take? -Our own preference is for a rebid of merely two hearts which is, to be sure, somewhat of an understatement, and yet a lump to three hearts would be a shade 100 aggressive. There is no need to press when partner has made a free bid and therefore Intends to make some move toward game. On the next round.
South will be in a position comfortably to make a delayed jump. -0 Q. 8-As South you hold: 45 KJ 86 KQ 10 4AKJ 87 The bidding has proceeded: South West North East Pass 11 Pass What do you bid now? -Four hearts. Even If partner has made shaded response, you do not wish to play for less than game. Your hand is worth 20 points in support of hearts: Remember that a lump to three hearts would permit partner to pass.
MarshmallowSa Sauce To make a marshmallow sauce for chocolate ice cream, melt pound marshmallows in cup milk over hot water, stirring occasionally. Serve the sauce warm. of Your Success Is In Your Control LET THE Dale Carnegie Dale Course Carnegie Help You1-Develop Self Confidence 2-Speak Effectively 3-Win Friends 4-Memory Training 5-Gain Promotion 6-Increase Sales 7-Improve Human Relations 8-Become A Better Executive 9-Enrich Your Life 10-Better Home Relations By Reservation Only MONDAY NITE Sept. 26, 6:36 p.m. FARRAGUT HOTEL For Information and Reservation Call 8-4239 FREE COPY of one ef Dale Carnegie's Famous Books will be given each adult attending this meeting! East Tenn, Leadership Courses ON Diamonds- -Watches Tools Typewriters Luggage- -Cameras Adding Machines Radios- TV's Guns or Anything of Value UNITED LOAN ELERS 206 SOUTH GAY ST.
THE CLOCK Use Want Ads for Results. ris yo ice Icy ing er- vas ty. laS can at lor cal of Oil Phi ble telay Alon AlSS. be Des by el(on el- Be on the Wear CLEANED FINISHED OnE HOUR most in DRY CLEANING the Fresh as a Hower. IN JUST ONE MONDAY and TUESDAY SPECIALS! 2 Men's or Ladies' SUITS 2 2 CAR Plain COATS DRESSES Your $169 Choice 6 SHIRTS LAUNDERED $1.00 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY SPECIALS! 3 Pair TROUSERS 3 Plain JACKETS (Men's or Ladies') 3 SWEATERS Your Choice $100 6 SHIRTS LAUNDERED $1.00 Hour Service NO EXTRA CHARGE NE HOUR DRY CLEANING the most in 5 Convenient Locations To Serve You a problem!" And among these sufferers were a very wide variety of hemorrhoid conditions, some of 10 to 20 years' standing.
All this, without the use of narcotics, anesthetics or astringents of any kind. The secret is new healing substance the discovery of a world-famous research institution. Already, Bio-Dyne is in wide use for healing injured tissue on all parts of the body. This new healing substance is offered in suppository or ointment form called Preparation Ask for individually sealed convenient Preparation suppositories or Preparation ointment with special applicator. Preparation is sold at all drug counters.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. U.S. Pat. Off. Mr.
E. R. Bounds gave his sister in marriage. A program of wedding music was presented by Mrs. James B.
Donahoe of Gatlinburg, aunt of the bridegroom, organist; and Mrs. A. C. Hooper, vocalist. The bride wore a waltz length dress of white lace fashioned with a scooped neckline, short sleeves and scalloped hemline.
Her veil was shoulder length. She wore a pearl necklace and earrings given to her by the bridegroom. The bride carried a handkerchief which was purchased in Jerusalem and given to her mother by Mrs. Robert Gibson of Saudi Arabia, formerly of Knoxville. White roses, gardenias and lilies of the valley were used for the bridal bouquet.
Mrs. Marion L. Smith of Athens, matron of honor, wore a waltz length dress of mint green satin made with a scooped neckline, short sleeves and emerald green back panel. She carried a cascade arrangement of yellow chrysanthemums. Miss Sarah Deane Bounds, niece of the bride, was flower girl.
She wore a dress of white silk organza and carried a white basket of yellow rose petals, Best man was Mr. Charles J. Grigsby of Roanoke, cousin of the bridegroom. Serving as ushers Ruble Price and Mr. Howard Rogers, both of Rogersville.
A reception was given at the church following the ceremony and assisting were Miss Jo Wright and Mesdames E. S. Lynch of Lake Charles, John W. Cain, Kenneth Owens, Patrick H. Counts, Dale Smelser, and Robert Wyrick.
Engagement Announced The engagement of Miss Betty Louise Galloway of Deland, formerly of Canton, N. to Mr. Frank Wayne Frost, also of Deland, has been announced. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Roland of Canton. Mr. Frost is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. George Frost. The wedding is planned for Oct. 7 in Deland. A Socialist campaign to court arrest, as a protest against government policies, has fizzled out in India's.
United Provinces, Gorakhpur reports. MOVING? 3-5118 ROWE STORAGE CO. TRANSFER 8. 1319 Western NATIONALLY BRETON BAY FULL SIZE ADVERTISED 72 84 INCHES 4 Cannon ACRILAN RAYON 1 Blankets 195 Plus Chenile Bed Spread Free Cannon Sensationally New Yes! BAY TONE ON TONE Your Get All Blankets BLANKETS A (ACRILAN WEEK 5 Pieces For Warmth $1" Down 1 Alpine Green RAYON Full For Beauty wild Rose BEDSPREAD Altheimer Copyright Beer Inc All Rights. Midnight Reserved.
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