1. THE OIL PRINCE (Der Ölprinz) (1965) * with switchable English ...
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The Oil Prince has sold a phony oil well to a banker near Lake Chinla (which in the film sounds like "Schindler See"; an aural misunderstanding known as "Chinla's Lisp"). There's only one slight problem: the land, on which the oil well sits, doesn't belong to the Oil Prince. To top it off, some German settlers are intent on setting up camp at Lake Chinla and starting a new life there. Old Surehand and Winnetou ride to the chiefs of the local Navajo and Utah Indians to vouch for the settlers' peaceful nature. When word gets back to the Oil Prince that the Indians are going to cede the land to the settlers, he has his men kill the settlers' scout to prevent them reaching the lake before he can make a deal with the natives. However, that doesn't delay the Germans' search for Lebensraum in northern Arizona by very much. Then the Oil Prince hears the Indians are going to give the land to the settlers for free, thanks to Winnetou's telling the Utahs, that the settlers have no money to buy land. This, however, isn't exactly true: one of the Germans is carrying an ill-gotten bag of gold and the Oil Prince knows this. When he tells the chief of the Utahs, that the settlers are lying about being poor and sets up the chief's son to be murdered and make it look like the settlers did it, both the Utahs and Navajos decide the lake would be better off with a casino housing an all-you-can-eat buffet rather than a noisy Hofbräuhaus (and they're determined to make their wishes known at dawn th...
2. Der Ölprinz 1965 - video Dailymotion
Jul 23, 2014 · Der Ölprinz 1965. Mary Connor82. Folgen Gefällt mir. Lesezeichen Teilen ... Lederstrumpf - Der Wildtöter (1957) stream deutsch anschauen.
3. Rampage at Apache Wells (1965) - Plex
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Apache Chief Winnetou and scout Old Surehand team-up to assist a wagon-train of settlers who are threatened by the machinations of an unscrupulous crook known as the Oil Prince.

4. The Oil Prince (1966): Where to Watch and Stream Online | Reelgood
Find out where to watch The Oil Prince online. This comprehensive streaming guide lists all of the streaming services where you can rent, buy, or stream for ...
Find out where to watch The Oil Prince online. This comprehensive streaming guide lists all of the streaming services where you can rent, buy, or stream for free

5. Rampage at Apache Wells (1965) - STUDIOCANAL
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6. Ölprinz, Der - The Spaghetti Western Database
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From The Spaghetti Western Database
7. Der Ölprinz DVD 1965 The Oil Prince (Az olajherceg) / Directed by Harald ...
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Whether you're a Bible collector, music lover, or treasure hunter, BIML has something for you. Shop their vast collection of rare items now!
8. 2.22.2021 - Nate reviews a German film, Der Ölprinz (1965)
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Advanced German speakers looking for a real classic film, “Ein Film mit Herz und Humor” and quite a bit of action–here’s one for you! Der Ölprinz (Germany, 1965, directed by German director H. Philipp) is a film full of heart, humor, and its fair share of cowboy action as the critics say. The film stars British actor Stewart Granger as the hero Old Surehand, and French actor Pierre Brice as his faithful Native American assistant, Winnetou. We see German actor Harald Leipnitz shine as our villain, the Oil Prince himself. The film is based on a book with the same name, written by popular German Western tale author Karl May in 1894.
9. Wer streamt Der Ölprinz? Film online schauen
Der Ölprinz (1965) ; Prime Video Amazon · Karl May: Der Ölprinz 86 Min. | Deutsch (OV), Englisch · FSK 12 UT · Leihen SD 3.99 € HD 3.99 € - ; Apple TV · Der Ölprinz
Der skrupellose "Ölprinz" hat einen See zum Schauplatz eines großen Betrugs auserkoren.

10. Der Ölprinz - Stream: Jetzt Film online finden und anschauen - JustWatch
Du kannst "Der Ölprinz" bei MagentaTV legal im Stream anschauen, bei Apple TV, Amazon Video, maxdome Store, Freenet meinVOD online leihen oder auch bei Apple TV ...
Finde heraus, wie und wo du "Der Ölprinz" heute auf Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+ & Co. online sehen kannst – einschließlich 4K und kostenloser Optionen.

11. Der Ölprinz (1965) · Stream - Kino.de
Der Ölprinz im Stream: Jetzt legal online schauen beim Streaminganbieter deiner Wahl · KINO.de.
Der Ölprinz: Western 1965 von Horst Wendlandt mit Pierre Brice/Heinz Erhardt/Harald Leipnitz. Jetzt im Kino